This half term we have been carrying out an investigation on our KS1 garden area. We have found out about micro-habitats and we wanted to know if our garden provided a good enough environment for the essential insects that are needed to help flowers and plants to grow. We mapped out our gardern and discovered that it needs more flowering plants to encourage bees and butterflies in the spring time. 

We studied the impact that these insects have on animal food chains and we found out that without these insects there would be less plant life for herbivore animals to eat and this will eventually cause there to be less food for humans to eat.

We investigated world habitats and discussed the way that different animals adapt to fit their environment and how this effects the food chains within each habitat.

In conclusion, we realised that without a good variety of flowering plants, food chains over time would decrease and cause a problem for all living things and humans. 

We have decided that we should help with this increasing problem by planting more flowering plants within our own school environment.