Reception Class have been involved in a whole range of exciting and interesting activities this week.

Looking forward to March we having been learning about the season of Spring and what this means in terms of weather and changes for animals and plants in our environment. The children enjoyed helping to prepare the flowerbeds for new planting and looked for signs of Spring arriving in our outdoor area. 

Following on from our work on Chinese New Year last year several children are continuing to explore Chinese writing and have been writing the numbers 1-10 in Chinese. 

We have also been creating our own symmetrical patterns using jewels on mittens with some very beautiful and creative results.

The children have been learning how to weave. This has fostered both mathematical understanding of pattern and physical development. 

Also in Maths work we have been learning number bonds. The children carried out an investigation to try to discover all the ways to make ten by adding two numbers together.   

The children in the class have recently shown an interest in building and construction. We have developed an exciting 'Building Site' area in the classroom, which is being very well used. The children have been developing skills in working as a team, communication and language and mathematics whilst having fun together. 

In music this week we have listened to lullabies and have composed our own percussion accompaniment to 'Rock-a-bye-baby'.