This half term the children have been sharing the poem, 'The Owl and the Pussycat,' by Edward Lear. They have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning the poem and have produced some wonderful descriptive writing as well as creating their own version of the poem.

This week, the children recited all three verses from memory!

Then they wrote their own final version, changing the owl and pussycat into animals from their own imagination.

In groups, they performed their poem for their classmates to hear. They gave feedback to each other to help improve their writing and then each child used the feedback to make edits to their own final poem.

Some children created the characters and the boat from the poem using modeling clay. The models were then used to recreate the poem using the Bong Tree island model that we made last week to support our mapping skills in Geography.

The Owl and the Pussycat is indeed a wonderful poem, but it is the enthusaism and excitement of the children that have really brought this poem to life in our class.