Today, we learnt about the importance of the Christingle celebration in the Christian faith.

As a class, we made our own Christingle which is made of an orange, a candle, a red ribbon and dried fruit and sweets on cocktail sticks. We found out the meaning of each part.

  1. The orange is the world.
  2. The red ribbon is the blood and love of Christ.
  3. The lighted candle is Jesus, the Light of the World.
  4. The four cocktail sticks of dried fruit and sweets are the four seasons, the fruits of the earth and God's good gifts.

The children really enjoyed making the Christingles and we also learnt a song called 'The Christingle song' We also had a visit from Mrs Clayton who came to sing the song with us in year 4 and asked the children questions about what they have learnt so far. 

What a lovely afternoon we have had. Please ask your children about their Christingle as I know they will be able to tell you lots of information.

Merry Christmas